Somewhat, anyway. I was never really gone, per se, I just sort of took a break from blogging. And by "take a break", I mean I forgot my former blog "The Stuff Store of Stuff" existed at all whilst I was pursuing a wide variety of projects. The last serious post was in June of this year, and the last time I updated consistently at all was in April of this year.
So, I think we can officially declare The Stuff Store of Stuff deceased (RIP 2015-2016). I was planning on updating it at some point, but due to the existence of a project my friend and I have created (and are considering publishing) that bears the same name (Stuff Store), I didn't want to associate our project with my pop culture analysis / review weblog. Thus, the Melodious Prince came along, and now I'm operating under my as-of-this-year official moniker, LastKeyMusic!
In case you haven't guessed, I compose music, and sing as well! And that's primarily what this blog is going to be about: music and music culture. But I'm not gonna be one of the artsy types that makes blog posts like "hey, I made this song. I like the strings. I also like the bass. I like to stroke my ego." That's boring. I prefer to keep my shameless self-promotion short and succinct (and while we're on the topic, go check out my music page). Plus, I feel like there's so much more to talk about, like how the song was made, on what it was made, on what the song used to be before its final version, etc. Although I probably will never post any demos or prototypes here unless I truly feel like it! That'll be for the Patreon. : ^ )
I'll also more than likely make posts about music / pop culture news and trends, updates / subtle hints on projects I'm in (and there are quite a few, surprisingly), bands or musicians I like and support, and a variety of other things musical. I also may just talk about things here and there, like my thoughts on a particular film or a particular video game or a particular event (like I did with my former weblog), or something along those lines.
But, in general, this is just a way for me to express my thoughts in a way that Facebook and Twitter wouldn't let me (at least not comfortably), and a way for you viewers (or potential fans) to examine my thoughts in a light that Facebook or Twitter wouldn't let you. Let's get rockin'!
Support My Music: https://lastkeymusic.bandcamp.com/
Music, Channel Updates, News, Misc: http://tinyurl.com/h5xso6r
News, Retweeting Material, Misc: https://twitter.com/LastKeyMusic
Support Broadwaytier: http://broadwaytier.tumblr.com/
Art, Blogging, Misc.: http://lastkeymusic.tumblr.com/
Pop Culture News And Reviews: http://www.qjukebox.com/